Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fish Tank Brands Why Is My Brand New Fish Tank Getting Foggy?

Why is my brand new fish tank getting foggy? - fish tank brands

I have a new tank for small fish yesterday, new filters, scrubbers, new plants and artificial gravel. I washed them all away, but this morning I woke up and it is not as clear as it was before! was beautiful and clear waters, and now it is not so clear. Why is it so that I can do to stop? Thanks


mother_e... said...

Hello, what happened, this is called new tank syndrome. This happens when you first start you may have added a water change as the new water tank semi. In addition, do not add more chemicals, if necessary to ensure that the chemicals are added every 24 hours, because everything at once can lead to getting fog again. You can at PetSmart on a sample of water on the open water test to get there. Also from water separators.
I hope I helped Have a great day!
Note: The search for a new tank syndrome

mother_e... said...

Hello, what happened, this is called new tank syndrome. This happens when you first start you may have added a water change as the new water tank semi. In addition, do not add more chemicals, if necessary to ensure that the chemicals are added every 24 hours, because everything at once can lead to getting fog again. You can at PetSmart on a sample of water on the open water test to get there. Also from water separators.
I hope I helped Have a great day!
Note: The search for a new tank syndrome

crazyott... said...

I hope that not all fish have it yet. If so, do not follow them. If not - even then - not. Wait for 2 weeks and gradually the fish only 1 or 2 at a time, 3 if small as guppies, etc.

When you say "wash" - What exactly do you have to wash things? Hopefully, not soap. If so, what we see is probably the soap. Aquarium equipment and decoration, including the land should never be rinsed with clean, cold tap water is not always washed.

If you do not use soap or detergent to wait, then a few days - water filter clear.

After 3-5 days with a pinch of food for small fish, increase the nitrogen cycle.

Cycle tank for 2 weeks before adding fish.

Sarah said...

Because it is new. Cycle is required. Read the attached link and fill in the nitrogen cycle to ensure that the fish are healthy.

A minimum of six weeks for a tank with a bicycle, which is necessary to be patient.

Sarah said...

Because it is new. Cycle is required. Read the attached link and fill in the nitrogen cycle to ensure that the fish are healthy.

A minimum of six weeks for a tank with a bicycle, which is necessary to be patient.

Scullycj said...

Ok. Obviously you are new to fishing.
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I started with a block graph paper to draw a basic idea of the tank, where I would create rocks and caves. Air Lines Run how you create a filter flows angel power. Where can they have the hot gravel filter How many and where they are, how many filters

Test Kit
Tank (unless you go for a walk every day LOL)
Cover W / Light
The heaters
"The Air Pump
Air Line
Air Stones
Gravel (I love nature)
Slate rocks to make caves for the fish to hide
Artificial Plants

creating a growth of bacteria that breakdown of the size of the fish and remove harmful chemicals such as ammonia

install a tank with filter, heater, etc.
Let the tank run if you can create a filter from an established tank found that reactivate the cycle. or you can use a small amount of ammonia in the tank, add, like a tablespoon per gallon (no fish in the basin) and the cycle begins anew. Let it run for 4-6 weeks, then you can add 1 or 2 fish Hardy (Croy, Pleco, Guppy). Add 2 aquarium, when it comes to mid-sized (20 +) 1 When a reservoir is of small (under 20) of containers that can last for months, until another fish to add, you break a small amount (1) which allows pH and ammonia change is not carefully analyzed the water the first week of 10-20%

Fish Now> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt,>> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt,>> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt;)>

First where do you see fish? is a box store like Petco? I do not like fish shops are getting married as typhus. I made the mistake, a nice plug there and lost almost all settings with Ick / FIN state of decay. Find a business that only with fish, a moisture / mold odor. Because this environment is what eE fish will fight to look inside to see each tank to ensure that the tank any fish that has sick or distressed, they are looking for. Talk with the staff to ask how long the fish in the store where the farmers are that you did not become a fish from a mail-order companies want, because the burden on traffic. Do not be afraid in the distance, cross, or pay more for the fish. (I would prefer to pay more than my char Loose) had 3 years of work.

Here is my creation ...

TwIxX said...

Open the fireplace, in which things a meal

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