Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Follicular Lymphoma Pictures What Are The Different Types Of BCELL Indolent, Low Grade, Follicular, Non Hodkins, LYMPHOMA?

What are the different types of BCELL Indolent, Low grade, follicular, Non hodkins, LYMPHOMA? - follicular lymphoma pictures

There are three types of indolent B-cell follicle-N-HLS:

1) Type-small cell divided. The patients have a median survival 7 to 9 years.

2) Mixed small cleaved cell and large businesses. Survival time was reduced by the presence of large cells.

3) Type B large cell. This is sometimes regarded as an intermediate and aggressive lymphomas May.

Other types of B-cell N-CTS, the various types of marginal zone and the secondary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (which is almost identical to chronic lymphocytic leukemia), considered to be lazy types.


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